Available C# bindings
The Xamarin AppConnect C# binding supports all the Objective-C APIs available in the AppConnect library with the following exceptions:
APIs relating to getting upload status for tunneled HTTP/S requests |
Secure file I/O POSIX-style and Objective-C APIs |
The ACSensitiveData and ACSensitiveMutableData APIs |
The custom cryptography methods -derivedAppKeyWithIdentifier:error: and -derivedSharedKeyWithIdentifier:error: |
The -appConnect:openInAttemptedWhenACOpenInPolicyBlocked: callback method |
The -appConnectAttemptedDragAndDropToNonAppConnectApp: callback method |
The APIs relating to sharing secure files from an extension |
The APIs relating to the Open From policy (Note that the AppConnect library enforces the Open From policy) |
The AppConnect C# binding provides documentation for each method, property and enumeration in HTML and in Monodoc format. You can also refer to the information in the Objective-C API descriptions in AppConnect for iOS API.